February 25, 2020 at 5:30 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
NOTICE is hereby given that the Collin County Community College District Board of Trustees will hold a Work Session and its Regularly Scheduled Meeting on Tuesday, February 25, 2020, at the Collin Higher Education Center, 3452 Spur 399, McKinney, TX 75069. |
CONVENE REGULAR MONTHLY MEETING: 5:30 p.m. in Room 135 at the Collin Higher Education Center, 3452 Spur 399, McKinney, TX 75069 ("CHEC") 1. Certification of Notice of the February 25, 2020 Meeting of the Collin County Community College District Board of Trustees |
ADJOURNMENT TO CLOSED OR EXECUTIVE SESSION Adjournment to Board Conference Room 135, CHEC, for closed or executive session pursuant to the Texas Government Code Chapter 551.001 et seq., to wit: |
Section 551.074 Personnel Matters
a. Discuss self-evaluations of the Board members b. Discuss employment, duties, evaluations, or assessment of college personnel, including District President, and officers Section 551.071 Consultations with Attorney a. Discuss and receive legal advice regarding pending litigation Section 551.072 Deliberation about Real Property a. Discuss on-going college campus projects Section 551.076 Deliberations regarding Security Devices or Security Audits a. Discuss security audit |
RECONVENE REGULAR MEETING: Board Room 139, CHEC Reconvene into open or regular session and take any action necessary as a result of the closed or executive session. 1. Pledges of Allegiance |
PUBLIC COMMENT Regular Board Meetings are normally held on the fourth Tuesday of each month, unless otherwise posted. When included on the meeting notice, district business is conducted during Board Meetings, and public input may be solicited. Public comment cards are available and accepted on-site for one hour prior to the start of the meeting. Comment cards are not transferable to other speakers. Citizens may address agenda or non-agenda items in their public comments at Regular Board Meetings. Comments addressing agenda items will be heard at the beginning of the meeting, in order of the corresponding agenda item, for the allotted thirty minutes or until all agenda-related comments have been heard. If time remains within the allotted thirty minutes, comments addressing non-agenda items will be heard. All comments related to non-agenda items that are not heard during the allotted thirty minutes will be heard at the end of the Regular Board Meeting. Speakers who submit public comment cards may have up to three minutes to address the Board. No presentation shall exceed three minutes, unless a translator is required, in which case up to six minutes can be used. The Board encourages but does not require delegations of more than five individuals to appoint one person to present the delegation's views before the Board. *These guidelines are in compliance with House Bill 2840, which was signed into law, becoming effective September 1, 2019. As Collin College is in the process of reviewing its related local policy, BDB(LOCAL), these guidelines supersede the existing policy when in conflict. These guidelines may be revised once the new policy is finalized and adopted by the Collin College Board of Trustees. |
CONSIDERATION OF CONSENT AGENDA The purpose of the consent agenda is to allow the Board to identify and approve action items which require no additional information or discussion, and for which there is unanimous approval. Trustees receive agenda materials four days in advance of the meeting to prepare for the business to be conducted. |
Approval of February Consent Agenda Items
2020-02-C1 Approval of the Minutes of the January 28, 2020 Regular Meeting
2020-02-C2 Approval of Personnel Report for February 2020
C2a. Administrative Appointments
C2b. Faculty Appointments
C2c. Staff Appointments
C2d. Promotions/Changes
C2e. Resignations/Terminations
2020-02-C3 Approval of Academic Calendar for the 2020-2021 Academic Terms
2020-02-C4 Approval of the Private Offer to Purchase Struck Off Property
2020-02-C5 Approval of a Cooperative Purchasing Agreement Between Education Service Center Region 10 (ESC Region 10) and Collin County Community College District
2020-02-1 Report Out of the Organization, Education, and Policy Committee and First Reading of Local Board Policies
2020-02-2 Report Out of the Finance and Audit Committee and Consideration of Approval for Adoption of an Order Authorizing the Issuance of Limited Tax Bonds, Series 2020; Delegating the Sale of the Bonds to the Designated Financial Officer Named in this Order; Establishing Parameters Regarding the Sale of the Bonds; and Approving and Authorizing Instruments and Procedures Relating Thereto
2020-02-3 Consideration of Approval of the Bid Report for February 2020
PUBLIC COMMENTS (If required in accordance with HB 2840.) |
FOLLOW UP QUESTIONS FROM BOARD MEMBERS 1. The Board members requested additional information related to student participation data, student resources, and costs associated with providing counseling services. Additionally, the Board requested enrollment numbers for the two baccalaureate programs.
Statements of Net Position as of January 2020
Summaries of Current Funds Revenues & Expenses as of January 2020 Monthly Investment Report as of January 2020 AECOM Monthly Report for January 2020
PRESIDENT’S AND BOARD ANNOUNCEMENTS Comments on: Workshops, Seminars, and Conferences taking place at the College; Awards Received; Accomplishments, Appointments at the Local, State, and National Level; Published Articles and Newspaper Reports; and Upcoming Events. |
ANNOUNCEMENTS/ADJOURNMENT Dr. J. Robert Collins Chairman, Board of Trustees |