March 19, 2019 at 6:30 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
I. Call to Order
Announcement by the president as to the presence of a quorum, that the meeting has been duly called, and that the notice of the meeting has been posted in the manner prescribed by law.
Board members, staff, and patrons are requested to turn off all cell phones. The purpose of this meeting is for the Board of Trustees to conduct the business of the school district. Patrons may only be recognized when Public Participation is an agenda item, and only after having duly registered with the meeting’s recording secretary. |
II. Hitchcock I.S.D. Mission Statement
The mission of the Hitchcock Independent School District is to produce contributing citizens prepared for lifelong learning, believing in our country, themselves, and their fellow man in our ever-changing world by providing a personalized, yet diversified, quality education through varied learning experiences with pride, participation, and performance in partnership with our community.
III. Pledge of Allegiance
III.A. United States Flag
III.B. Texas Flag "Honor the Texas flag; I pledge allegiance to thee, Texas, one state under God, one and indivisible."
IV. Public Participation
Board Policy provides time at each regular board meeting for the public and employees to appear before the Board to discuss matters concerning their interest. Time (30 minutes) has been allotted for those who wish to address the Board. According to Board Policy, persons may sign up prior to the board meeting and will be allowed to speak for up to five (5) minutes each. Delegations of more than five persons shall appoint one person to present their views before the Board. No action may be taken on anything presented to the Board at this time. However, Board members have the option to request that the matter discussed be placed on an agenda for a future Board meeting. The Board respectfully requires names of District employees and/or students not be used during the address. Persons who wish to participate in this portion of the meeting shall sign up with the presiding officer or designee before the meeting begins and shall indicate the topics about which they speak.
V. Recognitions
VI. Consent Agenda
Unless removed (pulled to vote on separately) from the consent agenda, items identified under the consent agenda will be acted on at one time.
VI.A. Minutes
VI.B. Monthly Financial Report, Check Register and Investment Report
VI.C. Monthly Tax Collection Report
VI.D. Monthly KFHS Financial Report and Check Register
VI.E. Monthly GGCC/SHARS Financial Report and Check Register
VII. Reports/Information from the Superintendent for February 2019
VII.A. Kids First Head Start Board Liaison Report
VII.B. Superintendent's Report
VII.C. Superintendent's Monthly Goals Report by Campus
VII.D. Grant Report
VII.E. Chartwells' Report
VII.F. School Health Services Reports
VII.G. Counselors' Report
VII.H. Athletic Report
VII.I. Maintenance Report
VII.J. Transportation Report
VII.K. Technology Report
VII.L. ADA Reports
VII.M. Discipline Reports by Campus
VII.N. Police Department Report
VIII. Action
VIII.A. Consider approval of Certificate of Unopposed Candidates and Adoption of Order of Cancellation for Board of Trustees Single Member Districts 1 and 2
VIII.B. Approve IMA and TEKS Certification
VIII.C. Consider approval of the 2019-2020 school calendar
VIII.D. Consider approval of changes to Board policy EIC (Local)
VIII.E. Consider approval of Galveston County Health District Ambulances Services Agreement between the Galveston Area Ambulance Authority and Hitchcock Independent School District
VIII.F. Consider approval of overnight travel for Hitchcock High School student
IX. Closed Session for the purposes permitted as authorized by the Texas Open Meetings Act, Texas Government Code Section:
IX.A. Pursuant to Section 551.071 of the Texas Government Code
IX.A.1. Consultation with the School District's attorney on a matter in which the duty of the attorney to the governmental body under the Texas Disciplinary Rules of Professional Conduct of the State Bar of Texas clearly conflicts with the Texas Open Meetings Act specifically including the legal issues related to the Superintendent's recommendation to propose the nonrenewal of Calvin Brewer's term contract.
IX.B. Personnel Matters: Pursuant to Section 551.074 of the Texas Government Code
IX.B.1. Discuss proposed Chapter 21 and Non-Chapter 21 contracts for administrators, professionals, directors, coordinators, counselors, librarians, and nurses
IX.B.1.a. One-Year Term Contracts
IX.B.1.b. Non-Chapter 21 Contracts
IX.B.2. Discuss the employment of new professional employee(s) for the remainder of the 2018-2019 school year and for the 2019-2020 school year
IX.B.3. Discuss the contracts, duties, re-assignments, discipline, and evaluation of trustees, officers, superintendent, principals, assistant principals, directors, coordinators, police chief, teachers, counselors, librarians, district nurse, and at-will employees.
IX.B.4. Discuss the Superintendent's recommendation to propose the nonrenewal of Calvin Brewer's term contract.
X. Reconvene from Closed Session for action, if any, from Closed Session
X.A. Consideration of and possible action on the Superintendent's recommendation that the term contract of Calvin Brewer be proposed for nonrenewal
XI. Suggested Future Agenda Items
XII. Announcement(s)
XIII. Adjourn