March 10, 2025 at 6:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Order of Business
1.A. Call to Order
Mrs. Gina VanDevender
1.B. Invocation
1.C. Pledge of Allegiance and Pledge to the Texas Flag
1.D. VISD Employee of the Month
Dr. Jay Killgo
1.E. Special Recognition: VHS Swim Team and Coach Brian Stampley
1.F. Public Comments
Mrs. Gina VanDevender
1.G. Public Comments Regarding an Agenda Item
Mrs. Gina VanDevender
2. Consent Agenda
2.A. Minutes of the Regular Board Meeting on February 10, 2025, and Special Meeting on February 25, 2025.
Dr. Jay Killgo
2.B. Board Report 2023-2024
Ms. Jennifer Crile
2.B.1. Projected Cash
2.B.2. Advalorem Tax
2.B.3. Student Activity
2.B.4. Food Services
2.B.5. Workman's Compensation
2.C. Temporary Investments
2.C.1. Lone Star - First Public
2.C.2. MBIA - Texas Class
2.C.3. First Financial, N.A.
3. Presentations:
3.A. Mid-Year Student Performance Data using MAP Growth
Mrs. Kelly Waters
4. Board of Trustees to Discuss and Consider for Approval:
Mrs. Gina VanDevender
4.A. Budget Amendments and Transfers
Dr. Travis Maines
4.B. Designation of High-Need Teaching Areas
Mr. James McDowell
4.C. Interquest Detection Canines
Mr. James McDowell
4.D. Janitorial Bids
Mr. Jeff Leger
4.E. Claims Administrative Services, Inc., 2024-2025.
Dr. Travis Maines
4.F. Second Reading of TASB Policy Update 124
Mr. James McDowell
4.G. Recommendation of McKenna Contracting bid for Oak Forest Elementary playground relocation
Mr. Jeff Leger
4.H. Revised Notice of School Board Election, May 3, 2025
Dr. Jay Killgo
4.I. Discuss, consider, and take possible action to declare as surplus the surface only of an unimproved tract of real property, approximately 25 acres, near the easterly dead-end of Byrd Street in the City of Vidor, Texas (Orange CAD ID No. R19868), and authorize administration to advertise the property for sale by sealed bid:
Dr. Travis Maines
4.J. Select best method of managing VISD Bond Projects
Dr. Jay Killgo
5. Executive Session
Consideration of Personnel Matters of the sort Described in Section 551.074 (1)(a)(2), Texas Government Code, regarding the appointment, employment evaluation, reassignment, duties, discipline, or dismissal of public employee (Executive Session). Conference to receive information from or question employees, as permitted by Section 551.075, Texas Government Code (Executive Session). Consultation with Attorney Regarding Legal Issues Related to the Sale of District Real Property, Pursuant to Tex. Gov’t Code §551.071, Attorney Consultation. Deliberation Regarding the Sale of District Real Property, Pursuant to Tex. Gov’t Code §551.072, Real Property The Board may elect to meet in closed (Executive Session), to deliberate the value of said real property as permitted by Section 551.072 and 551.073, Texas Government Code. Any action, decision, or vote on Executive Session matters will be taken in Open Session.
Mrs. Gina VanDevender
5.A. Personnel Matters
Mrs. Gina VanDevender
5.A.1. Consider and Take Action on Contracts for Classroom Teachers, Assistant Principals, Full-Time School Nurses, Counselors, Librarians, Diagnosticicans, Speech Therapists, and Speech Pathologists.
Dr. Travis Maines
5.B. Attorney Consultation
6. Reconvene from Closed Session for Action Relative to Items Considered During Closed Session.
Mrs. Gina VanDevender
6.A. Discuss, consider, and take possible action to engage Jerad Spencer of Spencer Real Estate Company, LLC, to assist with the sale of the real properties that have been declared surplus.
Dr. Travis Maines
7. Adjourn
Mrs. Gina VanDevender